Business Builder Subawards

The 1st round of Business Builder Subawards are closed
Prepare for Success
Sign up for a Submittable Account: You will need to create a free Submittable account or sign in with Google or Facebook credentials to submit your Business Builder Subaward application and associated forms.
Connect with Us: A Letter of Support from one of our Center Technical Assistance Providers (C-TAPs) is either required or encouraged in order to apply for a BBS. If you don’t yet have a relationship with one of our Partner Organizations, please consider learning about which organization could best support you and your work. Though only recommended, Technical Assistance (TA) may be suggested in order to obtain a Letter of Support. Prior work with a Center's partner may count towards technical assistance in order to obtain a letter of support.
UEI: Everyone that receives funding from a Business Builder Subaward is required to have a Unique Entity ID (UEI) through SAM.gov. Prepare to receive a reward ahead of time by securing your Unique Entity ID now (or renewing your UEI if necessary!). A quick start guide can be downloaded here and a video outlining the process can be found here.
Make your UEI Public: ARFBC strongly recommends making your Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number publicly searchable by checking "Include in public search" when obtaining your UEI or by updating your information. This will allow for verification of your UEI upon completion of the Business Builder Subaward application. Any entity chosen to receive a subaward will be required to have a verified UEI number before funds can be distributed.
General Information
Timing: There will be 4 cycles of grant funding beginning in the Fall of 2024 and ending in the Fall of 2027. Each cycle will award approximately $4 million.
Project Timeline: Projects must be completed within two years.
Maximum award: $100,000 per entity (both for profit & non-profit entities are eligible)
No matching funds required.
BBS are taxable as income.
Gross Revenue Cap: Entities earning less than $5 Million in gross revenue as reported on their most recent tax return are eligible for this round of BBS funding.
BBS Funds are reimbursable: Funds will need to be spent first and will be reimbursed 30-90 days after reimbursement request.
BBS can be used for: staff time, business planning activities, software implementation, the purchase of specialized equipment (such as food safety or processing equipment), value chain and supply chain coordination, product development, marketing, supply chain analysis and strategy development. Additionally, projects focused on developing shared use kitchens and processing spaces, alternative forms of retail (such as a co-operative), food aggregation or distribution and other mid-tier food-related projects that will serve or are based in a distressed community are also encouraged to apply.
BBS cannot be used for: purchasing or leasing land, buildings, or real estate, the construction, renovation, demolition, or rehabilitation of any building, structure, or land, non-specialized equipment such as tractors, trucks, or trailers.